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    E se non fosse che da quel precinto 34 Were it not that on this side of the dike
più che da l'altro era la costa corta, 35 the slope was shorter -- I cannot speak for him --
non so di lui, ma io sarei ben vinto. 36 I would have given up.
    Ma perché Malebolge inver' la porta 37 But since all Malebolge inclines
del bassissimo pozzo tutta pende, 38 down to the mouth of the lowest pit,
lo sito di ciascuna valle porta 39 it follows that each valley is constructed

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C Inf XXIV 32-36
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C Inf XXIV 32-36
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C Inf XXIV 32-36
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C Inf XXIV 37-40
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C Inf XXIV 37-40
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C Inf XXIV 37-40
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