- Associazione Lectura Dantis Metelliana (since 1974)
- Address: Convento di S. Francesco, via Nicotera 2, 84013 Cava dei Tirreni
(SA), tel. ++39-89-344313
- Associazione di Studi Danteschi e Tradizionali (since 1993)
- Casa di Dante in Abruzzo (since 1979)
- Address: Castello Gizzi, Torre de' Passeri (Pescara)
- Contact: Corrado Gizzi (direttore responsabile), v.le A. Vespucci, 76
- 65126 Pescara, tel. 085-63778
- Organisational structure
- Attività della Casa di Dante in Abruzzo, 1980-1994
- Catalogo delle Mostre
- Mostra «Michelangelo e Dante» (1995)
- Mostra «Amos Nattini e Dante» (1998)
- See also Museo Dantesco «Fortunato Bellonzi»
- See also Associazione «Beata Beatrix»
- Casa di Dante in Roma (since 1914)
- Centro Dantesco dei Frati Minori Conventuali di Ravenna (since 1963)
- Dante Society of America
- Deutsche Dante-Gesellschaft (since 1865)
- contacts:
- Memberships and donations: Wolfgang Hradský (Geschäftsfürer der
DDG), Finkenstein 13, 39110 Magdeburg, tel. ++49 +391-7218264
- Submissions of manuscripts for publication and of books for review
please direct to the editor of the yearbook Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch
(DDJb), Prof. Dr. Marcella Roddewig, Metzkauser Straße 21, 40625 Düsseldorf,
tel. ++49 +211 289495
- The yearbook can be ordered from Böhlau Verlag, GmbH & Cie,
Theodor-Heuss-Straße 76, 51149 Kön
- Submissions of manuscripts for publications in the newsletter Mitteilungsblatt
der Deutschen Dante-Gesellschaft (MDDG) and announcements regarding
Dante events in German speaking countries please direct to the editor
of the MDDG, Dr. Herma Bashir-Hecht, Neuiberger Straße 15, 81737 München,
tel. ++49 +89-63497995
- About matters regarding the annual bibliography of the DDJb, public
relations and international contacts write to Prof. Dr. Rainer Stillers,
Leinestraße 1, 7846 Konstanz, office address: Universität Konstanz,
Philosophische Fakultät, Fachgruppe Literaturwissenschaft/Romanistik,
Postfach 5560, tel. ++49 +7531-882681, email Rainer.Stillers@uni-konstanz.de
- The International Dante Seminar / Seminario Internazionale Dantesco
(since 1991)
- Founded in 1991 by Zygmunt Baranski,
Robert Hollander, Amilcare
Iannucci, and Lino Pertile; has
no specific address, but can be reached by contacting Prof. Hollander
at bobh@princeton.edu
- First meeting at the
Chauncey Conference Center in Princeton, NJ in October, 1994 (transcription
of the protocols)
- Second
meeting, «Dante: mito e poesia», Centro Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità,
Ascona, 23-27 June 1997 (preliminary program)
- Opera di Dante (since 1926)
- Address: c/o Biblioteca Classense, via Baccarini 3, 48100 Ravenna, tel.
++39-544-482150, fax ++39-544-482104, e-mail classense1@sbn.provincia.ra.it
- For tables of contents of the periodical Letture Classensi see
Richard Lansing's site Dante
- Seminario di Studi Danteschi (since 1956)
- Address: c/o Società di Storia Patria di Terra di Lavoro, Palazzina
Reale, 81100 Caserta, tel. ++39-823-326037
- Società Dante Alighieri (founded 1889 for the diffusion of Italian
language and culture in the world). For a worldwide directory of addresses
see the Italian Yellow Pages of LinguaNet.
- Società Dantesca Italiana (since 1888):
- Homepage
- Contact addresses: Società Dantesca Italiana, Palagio dell'Arte della
Lana, Via Arte della Lana 1, 50123 Firenze, tel. ++39-55-287134, fax ++39-55-211316,
email: sdi@leonet.it, email library: sdi.biblio@leonet.it
- Storia della SDI [English version]
- Biblioteca ed altri servizi [English version]
- Pubblicazioni [English version]
- Progetti [English version]
- Manifestazioni [English version]