vidi presso di me un veglio solo, |
31 |
I saw beside me an old man, alone, |
degno di tanta reverenza in vista, |
32 |
who by his looks was so deserving of respect |
che più non dee a padre alcun figliuolo. |
33 |
that no son owes his father more. |
Lunga la barba e di pel bianco mista |
34 |
His beard was long and streaked with white, |
portava, a' suoi capelli simigliante, |
35 |
as was his hair, which fell |
de' quai cadeva al petto doppia lista. |
36 |
in double strands down to his chest. |
Li raggi de le quattro luci sante |
37 |
The rays of those four holy stars |
fregiavan sì la sua faccia di lume, |
38 |
adorned his face with so much light |
ch'i' 'l vedea come 'l sol fosse davante. |
39 |
he seemed to shine with brightness of the sun. |
"Chi siete voi che contro al cieco fiume |
40 |
'What souls are you to have fled the eternal prison, |
fuggita avete la pregione etterna?" |
41 |
climbing against the dark and hidden stream?' |
diss' el, movendo quelle oneste piume. |
42 |
he asked, shaking those venerable locks. |
"Chi v'ha guidati, o che vi fu lucerna, |
43 |
'Who was your guide or who your lantern |
uscendo fuor de la profonda notte |
44 |
to lead you forth from that deep night |
che sempre nera fa la valle inferna? |
45 |
which steeps the vale of Hell in darkness? |