veggendo quel miracol più addorno. |
63 |
through the heavens had grown wider in their arc. |
E qual è 'l trasmutare in picciol varco |
64 |
And such a change as passes in a moment |
di tempo in bianca donna, quando 'l volto |
65 |
from the blushing face of a fair-skinned lady, |
suo si discarchi di vergogna il carco, |
66 |
unburdened of the reason for her shame, |
tal fu ne li occhi miei, quando fui vòlto, |
67 |
greeted my eyes once I had turned around, |
per lo candor de la temprata stella |
68 |
because of the white radiance of the temperate |
sesta, che dentro a sé m'avea ricolto. |
69 |
sixth star, which had gathered me into itself. |
Io vidi in quella giovïal facella |
70 |
In that torch of Jupiter I watched |
lo sfavillar de l'amor che lì era |
71 |
the sparkling of the love resplendent there |
segnare a li occhi miei nostra favella. |
72 |
make signs, before my eyes, of our speech. |
E come augelli surti di rivera, |
73 |
And as birds risen from the river's edge, |
quasi congratulando a lor pasture, |
74 |
seeming to celebrate their pleasure in their food, |
fanno di sé or tonda or altra schiera, |
75 |
form now a rounded arc, and now another shape, |
sì dentro ai lumi sante creature |
76 |
so, radiant within their lights, the holy creatures |
volitando cantavano, e faciensi |
77 |
sang as they flew and shaped themselves |
or D, or I, or L in sue figure. |
78 |
in figures, now D, now I, now L. |
Prima, cantando, a sua nota moviensi; |
79 |
At first, singing, they danced to their own tune. |
poi, diventando l'un di questi segni, |
80 |
And then, taking on one of these shapes, |
un poco s'arrestavano e taciensi. |
81 |
they paused in their movement and were silent. |
O diva Pegasëa che li 'ngegni |
82 |
O divine Pegasean, who bestow glory |
fai glorïosi e rendili longevi, |
83 |
and long life on genius, as, with your help, |
ed essi teco le cittadi e ' regni, |
84 |
it gives life to towns and kingdoms, |
illustrami di te, sì ch'io rilevi |
85 |
inspire me with your light so that I may set down |
le lor figure com' io l'ho concette: |
86 |
their shapes as I conceived them in my mind. |
paia tua possa in questi versi brevi! |
87 |
May your power appear in these few lines. |
Mostrarsi dunque in cinque volte sette |
88 |
They then displayed themselves in five times seven |