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    S'ïo avessi le rime aspre e chiocce, 1 If I had verses harsh enough and rasping
come si converrebbe al tristo buco 2 as would befit this dismal hole
sovra 'l qual pontan tutte l'altre rocce, 3 upon which all the other rocks weigh down,
    io premerei di mio concetto il suco 4 more fully would I press out the juice
più pienamente; ma perch' io non l'abbo, 5 of my conception. But, since I lack them,
non sanza tema a dicer mi conduco; 6 with misgiving do I bring myself to speak.

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C Inf XXXII 1-9
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C Inf XXXII 1-9
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C Inf XXXII 1-9
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C Inf XXXII 1-9
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