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XXXIX DANTE DA MAIANO A DIVERSI RIMATORI Provedi, saggio, ad esta visione, e per mercé ne trai vera sentenza. Dico: una donna di bella fazone, di cu' el meo cor gradir molto s'agenza, mi fé d'una ghirlanda donagione, verde, fronzuta, con bella accoglienza: appresso mi trovai per vestigione camicia di suo dosso, a mia parvenza. Allor di tanto, amico, mi francai, che dolcemente presila abbracciare: non si contese, ma ridea la bella. Così, ridendo, molto la baciai: del più non dico, ché mi fé giurare. E morta, ch'è mia madre, era con ella. | XXXIX DANTA DA MAIANO TO VARIOUS MAKERS OF RHYME You who are intelligent, consider this vision and please show its true meaning. It was like this: a fair woman, in gaining whose favour my heart takes much pleasure, made me a gift of a green leafy garland; and charmingly she did so. And then I seemed to find myself clothed in a shift that she had worn. Then I made so bold as gently to embrace her. The fair one did not resist, but smiled; and as she smiled I kissed her repeatedly. I will not say what followed --she made me swear not to. And a dead woman --my mother-- was with her. |