LXIX Di donne io vidi una gentile schiera questo Ognissanti prossimo passato, e una ne venia quasi imprimiera, veggendosi l'Amor dal destro lato. De gli occhi suoi gittava una lumera, la qual parea un spirito infiammato; e i' ebbi tanto ardir ch' in la sua cera guarda', [e vidi] un angiol figurato. A chi era degno donava salute co gli atti suoi quella benigna e piana, e 'mpiva 'l core a ciascun di vertute. Credo che de lo ciel fosse soprana, e venne in terra per nostra salute: là 'nd'è beata chi l'è prossimana. | LXIX Last All Saints' Day I saw a lovely group of ladies, and one seemed to be at their head, Love being visible at her right hand. From her eyes she cast a light that seemed like a spirit aflame. And I made so bold as to look into her face, and I saw an angel imaged there. Kindly and gentle, she greeted with voice and gesture those who were worthy of such honour, filling each one's heart with goodness. I believe she was a high being of heaven, come down on earth for our salvation; hence every woman with her is blessed. |