Rime (LXI)

  Sonar bracchetti, e cacciatori aizzare, 
    lepri levare, ed isgridar le genti, 
    e di guinzagli uscir veltri correnti, 
    per belle piagge volgere e imboccare 
    assai credo che deggia dilettare 
    libero core e van d'intendimenti! 
    Ed io, fra gli amorosi pensamenti, 
    d'uno sono schernito in tale affare, 
  e dicemi esto motto per usanza: 
    «Or ecco leggiadria di gentil core, 
    per una sì selvaggia dilettanza 
    lasciar le donne e lor gaia sembianza!». 
    Allor, temendo non che senta Amore, 
    prendo vergogna, onde mi ven pesanza. 

   The belling of hounds, the cries of hunters 
urging them on, hares running from cover, 
the shouting of onlookers, swift greyhounds 
slipping from the leash, their veering through 
fair meadows, their snatching the prey 
--such things must greatly delight, I think, 
a heart that is free and void of love. 
But I, taken up with thoughts of love, find 
myself mocked on this account by one of them 
   who is wont to tease me thus: 
'O what gallantry in a gentleman! 
For so rough a sport to leave the ladies 
and their charming ways!' Then, fearing 
that Love may overhear, I grow ashamed 
and so become heavy-hearted.