Il Fiore (lxxv,lxxvi,lxxvii,lxxviii,lxxix)

L'Amante e Ric[c]hez[z]a 
  Col capo inchin la donna salutai, 
E sì·lla cominciai a domandare 
Del camin c[h]'uomo apella Troppo-Dare. 
Quella rispose: «Già per me no'l sai; 
  E se 'l sapessi, già non vi 'nterrai, 
Chéd i' difendo a ciaschedun l'entrare 
Sed e' nonn-à che spender e che dare, 
Sì farai gran saver se·tte ne vai: 
  C[h]'unquanche non volesti mi' acontanza, 
Né mi pregiasti mai a la tua vita. 
Ma or ne prenderò buona vengianza: 
  Ché sie certano, se·ttu m'à'i schernita, 
I' ti darò tormento e malenanza, 
Sì ch'e' me' ti var[r]ia avermi servita». 
Lover and Wealth 

      With bowed head I greeted the lady,   and then began to ask her   about the path that's called Extravagance.   She answered: "You'll never know it from me; 

      and even if you were to know it, you will never enter there,   because I forbid entrance to everyone,   except to those who have the means to spend and spend some more.   So if you're smart, you'll leave, 

      for you never desired my friendship,   nor have you ever praised me in your life.   But now I'll take my sweet revenge: 

      for rest assured that just as you scorned me,   so I'll give you such torment and unhappiness,   that it would be better for you to have served me."   

L'Amante e Ric[c]hez[z]a 
  «Per Dio, gentil madonna, e per merzede», 
Le' dissi allor, «s'i' ò ver' voi fallato, 
Ched e' vi piaccia ched e' sia amendato 
Per me, chéd i' 'l farò a buona fede: 
  Ch'i' son certan che 'l vostro cuor non crede 
Com' io dentro dal mio ne son crucciato; 
Ma quando vo' m'avrete ben provato, 
E' sarà certo di ciò c[h]'or non vede. 
  Per ch'i' vi priego che mi diate il passo, 
Ched i' potesse abatter il castello 
Di Gelosia, che m'à sì messo al basso». 
  Quella mi disse: «Tu se' mio ribello; 
Per altra via andrai, ché sarà' lasso 
Innanzi che n'abatti un sol crinello». 
Lover and Wealth 

      "For God's sake, gentle lady, and in mercy's name,"  I said to her then, "if I have wronged you,   please grant that I may make amends,   for this I'll do in good faith. 

      For I am sure your heart does not know   how my own heart is afflicted;   but when you've put me to the test,   your heart will be sure of that which now it does not see. 

      For this reason I beg you to let me pass,   so that I can bring down the castle   of Jealousy, who has laid me low." 

      She said to me: "You are my enemy;   along another path you will go, for you will be exhausted   before you knock down a single crenellation on the tower."   

L'Amante e Dio d'Amore 
  Già no·mi valse nessuna preghera 
Ched i' verso Ric[c]hez[z]a far potesse, 
Ché poco parve che le ne calesse, 
Sì la trovai ver' me crudel e fera. 
  Lo Dio d'Amor, che guar' lungi not mm'era, 
Mi riguardò com'io mi contenesse, 
E parvemi ched e' gli ne increscesse; 
Sì venne a me e disse: «In che manera, 
  Amico, m'ài guardato l'omanag[g]io 
Che mi facesti, passat' à un anno?». 
I' gli dissi: «Messer, vo' avete il gag[g]io 
  Or, ch'è il core». «E' non ti fia già danno, 
Ché tu·tti se' portato come sag[g]io, 
Sì avrai guiderdon del grande afanno». 
Lover and the God of Love 

      No prayer I made to Wealth   did me any good,   for it seemed she cared very little,   so cruel and heartless I found her towards me. 

      The God of Love, who was not far from me,  looked to see how I was faring,   and it seemed to me my manner annoyed him.   He came to me and said: "In what way, 

      friend, have you kept the oath of fealty   you made to me a year ago?"   I said to him: "Sire, you have my pledge, 

      which is my heart." -- "It will be all right,   since you have behaved with wisdom and skill,   you will have reward for your great distress."   

  Lo Dio d'Amor per tutto 'l regno manda 
Messag[g]i e lettere a la baronia: 
Che davanti da lui ciaschedun sia, 
Ad alcun priega e ad alcun comanda; 
  E ch'e' vorrà far lor una domanda 
La qual fornita converrà che·ssia: 
D'abatter il castel di Gelosia, 
Sì ch'e' non vi dimori inn-uscio banda. 
  Al giorno ciaschedun si presentò, 
Presto di far il su' comandamento: 
Dell'armadure ciaschedun pensò, 
  Per dar a Gelosia pene e tormento. 
La baronia i' sì vi nomerò 
Secondo ched i' ò rimembramento. 

      Throughout the kingdom the God of Love sends   messengers and letters to all the barons;   some he entreats and others he commands   that they come to him. 

      He will wish to make a request of them,   a request that must be fulfilled:   to bring down Jealousy's castle,   so that not one iron band remains on the door. 

      On the great day, everyone presented himself,   ready to do the God of Love's command:   each one gave thought to the arms 

      to give Jealousy pain and torment.   I will name the Barons for you   insofar as I remember them.   

La baronia d'Amore 
  Madonna Oziosa venne la primiera 
Con Nobiltà-di-Cuor e con Ric[c]hezza: 
Franchigia, Cortesia, Pietà, Larghez[z]a, 
Ardimento e Onor, ciaschedun v'era. 
  Diletto e Compagnia seguian la schiera; 
Angelicanza, Sicurtà e Letezza 
E Solaz[z]o e Bieltate e Giovanez[z]a 
Andavan tutte impresso la bandera. 
  Ancor v'era Umiltate e Pacïenza; 
Giolività vi fue e Ben-Celare 
E Falsembiante e Costretta-Astinenza. 
  Amor si cominciò a maravigliare 
Po' vide Falsembiante in sua presenza, 
E disse: «Chi·ll'à tolto a sicurare?». 
The Barons of Love 

      Lady Leisure was in the first line   with Noble Heart and with Wealth;   Sincerity, Courtesy, Mercy, Generosity,   Boldness and Honor, all of them were there. 

      Delight and Social Grace followed in the company;   Angel-Like, Safety, and Happiness   and Joy and Beauty and Youth   were all following the banner. 

      Then came Humility and Patience;   Joyfulness was there and Well-Hidden   and False Seeming and Forced Abstinence. 

      Love was astonished   to see False Seeming in his presence,   and said: "Who's vouched for him?"