Il Fiore (cxx,cxxi,cxxii,cxxiii,cxxiv)

  «Questo buonuon volea ch'i' rinegasse 
Mendichità e gisse lavorando, 
S'i' non avea che mia vita passando 
Potesse, sanza c[h]'altro domandasse. 
  A quel consiglio mai no·m'acordasse: 
Tropp 'è gran noia l'andar travagliando. 
Megli' amo star davante adorando 
Ched i' a lavorar m'afaticasse. 
  Ché 'l lavorar sì no·mi può piacere, 
Néd a·cciò consentir no·mi poria, 
Ché molte volte fallarei in dolere. 
  Più amo il manto di papalardia 
Portar, perciò ch'egl[i] è mag[g]ior savere, 
Ché di lui cuopr' io mia gran rinaldia. 
False Seeming 

      "This good man wanted me to renounce   begging and to go to work,   if I did not have the means to support myself   without asking for more. 

      I would never agree to that advice:   working is too much of an annoyance!  I prefer to keep on begging   than to tire myself out by working. 

      For I cannot enjoy working,   nor could I agree to do this,   for I would often faint from pain. 

      I prefer to wear hypocrisy's mantle,   because it's the wiser thing to do,   for with it I'm able to cover up my fox-like manner."   

  «I' sì nonn-ò più cura d'ermitag[g]i, 
Né di star in diserti né 'n foresta, 
Ch'e' vi cade sovente la tempesta: 
Sì chito a·ssan Giovanni que' boscag[g]i! 
  In cittadi e 'n castella fo mie' stag[g]i 
Mostrando ched i' faccia vita agresta; 
Ma s'alla villa buon morsel s'aresta, 
E' pur convien per forza ch'i' n'asag[g]i. 
  E vo dicendo ch'i' vo fuor del mondo, 
Per ch'i' mi giuochi in sale e in palagi; 
Ma chi vuol dire vero, i' mi v'afondo. 
  S'i' posso trovar via d'aver grand' agi, 
Or siate certo ch'i' no·mi nascondo 
False Seeming 

      "I no longer care for hermitages,   or to live in deserts and in forests,   where storms often occur:   thus, I leave these wild places to Saint John! 

      I make my humble home in cities and in castles,   making it appear that I lead a harsh life;   but if some tasty morsel is found in the town,   then I must taste it for sure. 

      And I say how far removed I am from worldly things,   although I amuse myself in elegant rooms and palaces;   indeed, to tell the truth, I am completely immersed in the world. 

      If I can find a way to have great comforts,   now you can be sure that I'll not hide  [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .].   

  «Ancor sì m'intrametto in far mogliaz[z]o, 
Altr' or fo paci, altr' or sì son sensale; 
Manovaldo mi fo, ma quel cotale 
Che mi vi mette, l'ab[b]iate per paz[z]o, 
  Ché de' suo' beni i' fo torre e palaz[z]o, 
O ver be' dormitori o belle sale, 
Sì che, s'egli à figl[i]uol, poco gli vale 
I ben' del padre, sì 'l te ne rispaz[z]o. 
  E se voi aveste nulla cosa a fare 
Intorno di colui con ch' i' riparo, 
Diràllami, faròlla capitare; 
  Ma non convien mostrar ch'e' vi si' amaro 
A largamente sapermi donare, 
Ché 'l mi' servigio i' 'l vendo molto caro. 
False Seeming 

      "Moreover, I engage myself in arranging marriages,   sometimes I am a peacemaker, other times an agent;   I become an administrator, but whoever   has me do that, you should consider him crazy, 

      for from his properties I gain towers and palaces,   or beautiful bedrooms and lovely halls,   so that, if he has a son, little good his father's properties   will do him, because I sweep them all away. 

      And if you were to cook up a business deal   with one of my associates,   he'll tell me, and I'll make it happen; 

      but you don't have to show your displeasure   over having to pay me generously,   for I sell my service at a very high price."   

  «I' sì son de' valletti d'Antecristo, 
Di quel' ladron' che dice la Scrittura 
Che fanno molto santa portatura, 
E ciaschedun di loro è ipocristo. 
  Agnol pietoso par quand' uon l'à visto, 
Di fora sì fa dolze portatura; 
Ma egli è dentro lupo per natura, 
Che divora la gente Gesocristo. 
  Così ab[b]iamo impreso mare e terra, 
E sì facciàn per tutto ordinamento: 
Chi no·l'oserva, di[ci]àn c[h]'a fede erra. 
  Tanto facciàn co·nostro tradimento 
Che tutto 'l mondo à preso co·noi guerra; 
Ma tutti gli mettiamo a perdimento. 
False Seeming 

      "I'm one of the servants of Antichrist,   one of those thieves who, according to the Bible,  have a very saintly appearance,   and each one of them is a hypocrite. 

      To those who see him, he seems a pious lamb,   so mild is his external appearance;   but inside he is a wolf by nature,   who devours the people of Jesus Christ. 

      In this way we have conquered land and sea,   and thus we give orders throughout the world:   those who do not follow our rules, we say they stray from the faith. 

      With our treachery we do so much   that everyone has declared war on us;   but we are able to defeat them all."   

  «Sed i' truovo in cittade o in castello, 
Colà ove paterin sia riparato, 
Crede[n]te ched e' sia o consolato, 
Od altr' uon, ma' ch'e' sïa mio ribello, 
  O prete ched e' sia o chericello 
Che tenga amica, o giolivo parlato, 
E' convien che per me sia gastigato, 
Ché ciaschedun mi dotta, sì son fello. 
  Ancor gastigo altressì usurai 
E que' che sopravendono a credenza, 
Roffïane e forziere e bordelai; 
  E 'n ciasc[hed]uno i' ò malivogl[i]enza; 
Ma, che che duol tu senti, no'l dirai, 
Sì fortemente dotti mia sentenza. 
False Seeming 

      "If I find a city or castle,   in which a Paterin may have taken refuge,   whether he be a credente or a consolato,  or any one else, provided he is my enemy, 

      whether he be a priest or a young cleric   who has a lover, or a pleasure-seeking prelate,   I must punish them all,   because everyone fears me, so wicked am I. 

      Moreover, I punish usurers,   and those who sell on credit with inflated prices,   ruffians and spell-binders and pimps. 

      For each of them I feel great hatred;   but however much pain you feel, you will not complain,   so strongly do you fear my judgment."