Commentary Par XXVIII 64-78

See Tozer's paraphrase (DDP Tozer.Par.XXVIII.64-78): 'The argument is as follows: -- In the material universe the size of the spheres [i.e., their circumference] corresponds to the amount of divinely infused power (virtute) which they possess, and which is diffused by them throughout their whole range (per tutte lor parti), i.e., from sphere to sphere and to the earth (ll. 64-66).  A larger amount of the benefits thus communicated and received below (maggior bontà) is the result of a larger amount of salutary influence (maggior salute), and the larger amount of salutary influence is contained in a larger body -- supposing always that that body has complete receptive power throughout (ll. 67-69).  Consequently, the ninth sphere, or Primum Mobile, which is the largest, is also the highest in its nature of all the spheres; and thus it corresponds to the first and highest circle of the angels, that of the Seraphim (ll. 70-72).  Hence, if you estimate the angelic circles, not by their size, as you see them, but by the rank and relative power of the spirits which compose them, you will perceive that each material Heaven corresponds exactly to the Order of Intelligences that guides it, the wider sphere to the superior, the narrower to the inferior power.'