Commentary Par XXVI 104

See Moore (Moor.1889.1), pp. 483-86, supporting the traditional reading ('da te') against that strange but, for some people, overpoweringly attractive variant, 'Dante': 'There are few passages where we can pronounce with greater confidence as to the true reading than we can here...' (p. 483).  A goodly number of Dantists are firmly committed to the notion that the appearance of the poet's name in the poem, his signature, as it were, occurs only once, as the first word spoken by Beatrice, in [Purg XXX 55].  Such as they are most grateful to Moore's exertions, since there had been, before his intervention, more than a few who were most eager to find 'Dante' uttered by Adam, the first namer (see Genesis 2:19-20).