Commentary Par I 55-57

Some of the early commentators make the understandable mistake (since 'here' obviously refers to the earth) of thinking that 'there' applies to the heavens and not the pinnacle of the mount of purgatory; however, both Benvenuto da Imola (DDP Benvenuto.Par.I.49-57) and Francesco da Buti (DDP Buti.Par.I.49-63) comprehend that Dante and Beatrice are still in the earthly paradise, a fact that the title of this new cantica tends to make us forget.  Carroll (DDP Carroll.Par.I.49-64) senses that the protagonist is presented as the 'new Adam,' quoting St. Gregory of Nazianzus for the belief that 'The head and aim of all the Christian mysteries is my perfection and restoration and return to the first Adam' and reminds us that this last scene situated on the purgatorial mount is occurring at the propitious time of noon (see C.Par.I.37-45).