Commentary Purg XXV 138-139

The word piaga (wound) is used here, as it was used at [Purg XXIV 38] for Bonagiunta and his companions, to refer to the 'wound' of sin.  Does it also refer to the letter P incised on them?  Those who believe that all the penitents on the mountain bear this sign would naturally believe so (see C.Purg.IX.112, C.Purg.XXI.22-24, and C.Purg.XXII.1-6).  On the other hand, if only Dante bears this letter on his forehead, the reference would be to the inner wound of sin, as would seem more natural, and as Portirelli (DDP Portirelli.Purg.XXV.121-139) believed, arguing that the cura (treatment) represented the external application of fire and pasti (diet), the internal process of reflection upon the exemplars of the chaste life.