Commentary Purg VII 133-136

The final exemplar is, like Henry, seen alone, looking up in prayer (Bosco/Reggio [DDP Bosco.Purg.VII.133-136]).  Marquis of Monferrato (1254-92), Guglielmo first welcomed Charles of Anjou when he descended into Italy, but then turned against him when he moved against Lombardy.  Guglielmo's physical position is lowest in order to match his rank, as Rudolph, the only emperor in the group, was seated highest.  His successful career as Ghibelline military leader in Lombardy and in Piedmont came to a dramatic halt when he was captured in Alessandria in 1290 and exhibited in a cage for a year and a half until he died.  When his son, Giovanni, set out on a war of revenge, the result was disastrous for Monferrato and Canavese, the two regions that constituted the holdings of the marquisate.