Commentary Purg VI 15

This brief and unadorned reference is taken by nearly all the early commentators to refer to Guccio de' Tarlati di Pietramala, a Ghibelline of Arezzo, who was in an attacking party against the Bostoli, Aretine Guelphs in exile at the fortified castle of Rondine.  Some assert that, when the forces of the Bostoli counterattacked, Guccio galloped, on a runaway horse, into the Arno, where he drowned.  Others say that his death occurred while he was in pursuit of the enemy at that encounter.  (The text would allow either interpretation.)  Still others claim that his death occurred during the rout of Campaldino, shortly before the presence of the war party at Rondine, in 1289; but see the next note.