Commentary Inf XXXIV 1

The first verse of the last canto of Inferno (like the first verse of the last canto of Purgatorio [[Purg XXXIII 1]]) is in Latin. Its first three words are identical to the first verse of a hymn of the True Cross composed by Venantius Fortunatus (sixth century) but the last, obviously, has been added by Dante. Satan, still in the distance, is naturally not 'advancing' against Dante and Virgil, but the wind he emits might have made it seem that way as they approach him. Satan, as we shall see, is immobile.

This is the only complete Latin verse in the cantica, but see seven earlier Latin words or phrases: [Inf I 65], [Inf I 70], [Inf XV 62], [Inf XVI 88], [Inf XVIII 6], [Inf XXI 42], [Inf XXVII 72].