Commentary Inf XXXI 91-96

Ephialtes was one of the giants who attempted, by piling Pelion on Ossa, to scale Olympus and overthrow the gods. He and his fellow rebels were killed by Jove at Phlegra ([Inf XIV 58]). He is referred to by Virgil along with his twin brother Otus at Aeneid VI.582, but only as the (unnamed) twin adoptive sons of Aloeus, engendered in Iphimedia by Neptune. Virgil names them at Culex 234-235. For the presence of Ephialtes in various classical texts, beginning with Homer, see DDP Scartazzini.Inf.XXXI.94. Tozer (1901) and Torraca (1905) both suggest that Dante might have read his name in Servius's comment on Georgics I.280.